Monday, July 12, 2010

Long Time No Blog

I haven't written a new blog in so long - I thought it was time to stop by and say hello. Lots has been going on - but since I use Facebook daily (Ummm,'s really a pretty sad addiction. Don't judge me.)I've felt like it would be redundant to post here after talking about anything interesting that happened to me on my FB status already. Then, I gave myself a pep talk. I mean, come on - my life, my existence cannot be summed up in daily two sentence status updates, right? Right!

The most noteable happening on which I can report is that an event I've been co-planning for the last year has happened. The Second Annual ANT Colony BASH took place here in St. Paul, the weekend of June 25-27th. It just so happened that Twin Cities Pride was going on that weekend also. We had a GREAT turnout for our event, and I had the opportunity to meet several people from the blog that I hadn't met in person well as reunite with several great friends who I met last year in Seattle (at the first BASH). It was a crazy busy weekend, and by Sunday I was so sleep deprived I was in a bit of a haze. Thanks to my cousin Josh and his company, AV for You, we had a great flat screen monitor at our party on which to display some video and online fun during our lunch - and he provided the audio (mic, speakers,etc..) for our comedy show that night, too. ANT and Jason Dudey performed and a GREAT time was had by all!!

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