Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Right Delayed is a Right Denied - Martin Luther King, Jr.

I can handle losing, when I go up against an opponent (physically, verbally, or even just playing a game) who outwits, outplays and outlasts. When we both give our all, and that day, theirs is just better than mine. I can be happy for them (well, eventually, anyway...I'm not a saint!) and go on with my day. But, when the losses come at the hands of people who are uninformed, misled, or just plain ignorant, it drives me BONKERS...especially when my side is so clearly right. :)

This week, I've seen the most ridiculous arguments regarding Amendment 1 in North Carolina. When one person Tweeted about marriage equality, and said "if you disagree, don't follow me", a person replied "Just because people don’t agree with you? How can you be so narrow-minded?" (!!!) Since when is equality for all (something we are all born with) "narrow-minded"??

Or, how about the comment I saw this morning, comparing marriage equality and homosexuality to stealing and murder?

[and I quote] 'Those who say, "people should be able to do what they want" & have a problem w/banning unholy things, how come you don't have a problem w/murder or stealing being banned. "Thy shall not kill or steal" but I don't hear you having a problem w/that. How come people can't kill & steal from whomever they want? Do God's will b/c Everything "You" want isn't good for you or us.') This was followed by: “I’m just glad it passed!”

I mean, really...

Or, when a similar vote was on the ballot in Maine, in 2009 - I saw a Facebook status that said:

“Yes on 1! Stand for marriage between one man and one woman!!”

As you might expect, this person had like-minded friends who posted notes supporting this stance, but the one that stood out to me was this one, which said:

"C'mon Christians! Get out there and vote... Don't vote your conscience. Don't FOLLOW your heart - it'll steer you wrong. (Above all, the heart is deceitful and wicked...) LEAD your heart, and vote according to Gods principals. That would be a resounding "YES", on 1!!”

It got me thinking – whoa! That’s really what we’re up against, isn’t it? I was glad that very shortly after I saw that, I happened upon this:

…which basically says (quote): “I will no longer debate the issue of homosexuality in the church with anyone. I will no longer engage the biblical ignorance that emanates from so many right-wing Christians about how the Bible condemns homosexuality, as if that point of view still has any credibility. I will no longer discuss with them or listen to them tell me how homosexuality is “an abomination to God,” about how homosexuality is a “chosen lifestyle,” or about how through prayer and “spiritual counseling” homosexual persons can be “cured.” Those arguments are no longer worthy of my time or energy.” –Mel White

What I know for sure is that, someday, we will reach the point where “with liberty and justice for all” actually applies to ALL, and not “some”. I just hope and pray that we don’t do irreparable damage to each other in the struggle to get there.

God is LOVE, people. Doesn’t it make your heart sing to believe that? It does mine.